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Regular price $67.06 USD
Regular price Sale price $67.06 USD
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¿Decision? is most commonly used as a standalone fertilizer to initiate rapid flowering response and development during the transitional phase from vegetative to reproductive growth. The formula comprising Decision’s chemistry also has a secondary use of ceasing prolific or excessive plant stretch and growth without the use of caustic plant growth regulators. Providing plants a strict diet of nothing but Decision will curtail plant frame building and increase reproductive site formation during WEEK 1 of the blooming phase. NOTE: Please understand that this nutrient will work fast if you have little or no cation exchange capacity (CEC) in your rhizosphere. Inert root media such as rockwool, clay pebbles, perlite, or sand hold very little plant nutrient. As with most instances in gardening, plant varietal and species have major influences on how a specific fertilizer or supplement will affect the behavioral growth patterns of a garden. Decision may cause yellowing of the plant in both older and newer leaves if overused; plants will easily recover once placed back on a regular diet. Example: Soil and Coco may feed upon Decision for up to 7 days, however Rockwool has been known to show effects in as little as 24 to 72 hours after the initial application

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